


英国国际专业会计师公会International Association Of Accounting Professionals 简称IAAP,总部位于英国伦敦肯特区丘吉尔广场,英国法律认可的一家非营利性职业会计师团体,是英国会计师和簿记师公会IAB(The Institute of Accountants and Bookkeepers)的高级执业鉴定职能部门,签发财务会计类的执业资格认证证书,IAAP\IAB成立于1973年,IAAP\IAB的历史可追溯至1916年,更为关键的是,IAB注册于英国Ofqual即:英国国家资格认证与考试监督管理办公室Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation,该机构负责对专业资质认证机构提供背书(在此机构注册的还有ACCA、LCCI等英国著名金融、会计师组织),这意味着获取IAB授予的执业资格证书将会被英国政府所承认。同时国际专业会计师公会IAAP也是英国领导人理事会(The leaders Council of Great Britain Northern Ierland)的会员单位,作为英国领导人理事会的成员,IAAP可以向领导人理事会提供在财务和会计方面的贡献和意见,以帮助在上议院的辩论,作为英国政府决策咨询的一部分。除此之外,IAB还被英国国家税务与海关总署(HMRC)所认可,并成为(《 英联邦2007年国家反洗钱法案》)特约监管人,IAAP长期服务、监督活跃于世界反洗钱反金融犯罪领域,分别在多个国家开展高级学术活动并设立学习中心,各级证书会员超过15万,业已成为国际性金融与会计师高级专业认证培训机构之一,常年为英国以及国际金融、财务市场培养了大量的金融与会计专业人才。IAAP也定期与英国政府共同制定标准,如英国税务及海关总署就业咨询委员会,金融服务管理局,Ofqual(英国资格及考试监督办公室),金融服务技能委员会和小企业企业发展倡议(SFEDI)。同时IAAP在诸多著名大学开设了专业学习中心,也在多个国家提供IAAP资格课程。IAAP 所颁发的证书拥有很高知名度与认知度,可衔接英国及欧洲大学硕士与MBA课程。每年6月的第一个周末定期在英国国会大厅举办授予资格证书的仪式。

英国国际专业会计师公会IAAP是IAB Group的成员之一,IAB Group (IAB集团)包括了英国会计师和簿记师公会IAB、英国国际专业会计师公会IAAP、IAB英国伦敦工商会LCCI以及国际职业发展协会PDI,代表着来自100多个国家和地区的会员及学员利益。



Introducing the IAAP ... for Accounting Professionals Worldwide

The International Association of Accounting Professionals (IAAP) offers international recognition for the finest business and accountancy qualifications in the world.

First, it awards professional qualifications worldwide, giving aspiring business professionals global recognition for the very best financial skills.

Plus, its IAAP membership offers anyone anywhere the opportunity to gain international status while boosting earning potential.

Overseen by the UK-based IAB - one of the most respected not-for-profit organisations worldwide – the IAAP is truly standard setting. You can rest assured that every IAAP qualification certificate upholds the highest professional standards.

Be part of a world-class association with a global reach

What’s more, the IAAP opens the door to a wealth of international career opportunities. Because it recognises and grants exemption to members with qualifications through other professional and awarding bodies, you can take your career to new heights.

Just like IAB vocational qualifications in England, every IAAP qualification meets the same exacting standards. With internationally benchmarked qualifications to your name, the world is your oyster.

Whatever your dream – to study in the UK, seize international business opportunities or to launch an exciting new career – the IAAP helps you every step of the way.

Additionally, with global demand for financial skills growing, we give local educational institutions the chance to become accredited training providers. Sought-after IAAP and IAB qualifications can help extend your market and open up new revenue streams. 



Accounting Professionals

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